The aim is to systematically evaluate the burden and describe the natural history of cardiac disease…

This qualitative study aims to develop the potential of community engagement in ethics and knowledge generation…

This PhD programme is run by a DFID consortium on disability research run by LSHTM. Zambart with UNZA…

This a multi-country, epidemiologic study to assess the interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) positivity…

Global Brain and Nervous System Disorders Research Across the Lifespan (R01 Clinical Trials Optional). The major goal is…

Ethical Considerations for HIV phylogenetics in generalised epidemics in Africa. To reconsider and update the current…

BILHIV yourself: Integrating female sexual and reproductive health screening in Zambia: one-stop self-sampling…

Evaluating the impact of computer-assisted x-ray diagnosis and other triage tools to optimise Xpert orientated community-based…

A randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate a scalable active case-finding intervention for TB using…